Do you feel like your concealed carry setup isn’t that comfortable, but you just deal with it? Or maybe you are just new to concealed carry and don’t want to wind up with a drawer full of holsters trying to find one that works for you?
Then you should stop and watch the video above. This well put together video by PHLster Holsters does a great job of breaking concealed carry holsters, positions, and more.
And yes, they also sell holsters, but this video isn’t a sales video for their own products. But I highly recommend their holsters and their holster system, The Enigma. I am not paid to say this. I’ve just found their holsters to be the best fit for me. Personally, I am either carrying concealed in a PHLster Pro Holster or their Enigma Holster System with a Pro Holster attached to it.
I’d also recommend checking out their Facebook Group, PHLster Concealment Workshop. The admins and members are extremely helpful when it comes to concealment questions.
Lastly, I’ll leave the video of our live podcast, CCX2, where Jon Hauptman, Owner of PHLster Holsters, was on as a guest.
Read the full article here