We train mentally and physically so that we are ready if we ever have to face a life-threatening situation. You can have all the great equipment in the world, but if you do not train properly, it will do you no good. Training — combined with that high-quality gear — is the one thing you can count on when you find yourself in a life-threatening situation.

A man prepares to defend himself during an attempted carjacking, Springfield Echelon in hand. Training and situational awareness play a crucial role in personal protection.

While I have done a great deal of training over the years to prepare for such a thing, I was still surprised when it came into play at a busy intersection. There I was, in the middle of the day in a well-populated area with my pistol drawn inside my truck, facing down a guy who was running towards me with the apparent intent to do me harm.

Back to the Beginning

Let’s rewind to a few minutes earlier. I was following a beat-up old Toyota Camry going 15 mph under the speed limit. I began to notice that the two guys in that Toyota were acting very strangely, looking around erratically and just acting odd. At the next traffic light, I noticed the passenger put what I thought was a hood over his head while the driver kept looking in his mirrors at me and my truck. The two were acting strange enough that I was now on high alert.

A close-up view of a dash cam securely mounted on a car windshield, ready to record the road ahead. The dash cam is sleek and modern, emphasizing its role as a critical safety tool in documenting incidents, such as carjackings or traffic collisions. The camera faces outward, ensuring a wide field of view to capture potential attackers or unusual behavior in surrounding vehicles. The interior of the car appears clean and organized, showcasing attention to safety and preparedness. This device offers an added layer of protection for drivers who may need clear evidence in the aftermath of a dangerous encounter. The background reveals an urban environment, further highlighting its use in high-traffic or potentially risky areas. This image emphasizes the importance of technology in personal security and legal protection.
Dash cameras are essential tools for recording incidents like attempted carjackings, offering clarity and information after the fact when adrenaline can blur the memory.

We pulled up to the next light and I had some choices to make. The way the intersection was set up, I could pick one of four lanes. Left turn, straight, or two right turn lanes. I needed to go right but didn’t want to be next to those guys in the Toyota, so I just kept a good distance behind them in the same lane they were in.

My goal was to avoid getting boxed in so that if something happened, I could get out of the situation quickly. This was part of my training. You always want to have an escape point. Unfortunately, my plan completely backfired and I ended up completely boxed in by a semi-truck that pulled in behind me, as well as one next to me and another pickup truck on my right.

A man dressed in black, wearing a ski mask, approaches a vehicle in a threatening manner, his posture indicating intent to carjack. The driver, inside the truck, is partially visible, gripping his firearm as he assesses the rapidly escalating situation. The urban setting, with traffic lights and vehicles surrounding the intersection, suggests a populated area where such incidents are least expected. The would-be attacker’s hand positioned behind his back adds to the tension, implying potential concealed danger. The scene captures the pivotal moment when self-defense training and awareness become critical for survival. The boxed-in vehicle highlights the challenges faced by the driver, emphasizing the importance of tactical decision-making. The overall composition of the image reflects the seriousness and urgency of real-world personal defense scenarios.
A would-be carjacker approaches a vehicle, highlighting the importance of situational awareness and self-defense preparation. The author emphasizes the value of training and readiness.

I kept my eyes on the two guys in the car in front of me. They continued acting very strangely, looking around and seemingly arguing in the vehicle. The second I found myself boxed in with nowhere to go, I ensured I had access to my legal CCW handgun. These guys were acting strange enough that I was worried about my safety.

Everything Happens All at Once

Then everything changed in a matter of seconds.

The passenger door of their vehicle flung open, and out came a guy dressed all in black and wearing a ski mask and gloves. The hood I thought he put on was not a hood at all, but a full ski mask. He began running at me aggressively with one hand behind his back.

A man sits inside his truck, urgently drawing his Springfield Armory Echelon pistol as an attacker runs toward him holding a crowbar. The attacker, dressed in dark clothing, appears aggressive and focused on the vehicle. The truck's interior shows a calm but prepared driver responding to the unfolding threat. The attacker’s raised crowbar underscores the immediacy and danger of the situation. The urban background with surrounding traffic adds realism, demonstrating that such threats can occur unexpectedly in populated areas. The scene highlights the critical role of self-defense and situational awareness in responding to life-threatening encounters. The image emphasizes the confined nature of the truck, showing the challenge of drawing and aiming a firearm in tight quarters.
Faced with an imminent threat, the driver in this image reacts swiftly, armed and ready to protect himself from an approaching attacker.

Before I even realized what was happening, I had drawn my Springfield Echelon. I immediately got a firm grip on my pistol and yelled for them to stop approaching me, but my windows were up, so I didn’t know if anyone could actually hear me yelling.

The guy kept moving toward my truck. He was rounding the corner on the front of my vehicle at this point when he saw my pistol. Suddenly, the guy stopped dead in his tracks. He looked back at his buddy in the car, and looked at me. You could tell he was weighing his options.

The ball was in his court at this point. Thankfully, he jumped back in his car. They proceeded to run a red light and take off through traffic, nearly crashing multiple times. This all happened in a matter of seconds.


This was like something out of a movie. I just kept thinking, “that didn’t actually just happen to me, right? I must have imagined all this.”

A man inside his vehicle fires his Springfield Armory Echelon pistol through the windshield to stop an advancing attacker. The cracked glass and visible muzzle flash emphasize the immediacy and danger of the situation. The attacker, partially visible outside the windshield, is armed and aggressively approaching the vehicle. The truck's interior shows the victim leaning forward, demonstrating both urgency and control in his defensive action. Shattered glass flies outward, illustrating the force and chaos of shooting through a barrier. The urban surroundings, with blurred vehicles in the background, highlight the real-world challenges of self-defense in public spaces. This powerful image underscores the importance of preparedness and training in high-stress environments.
If you are faced with no potential escape route, do you have the training to respond to a threat from inside your vehicle?

Unfortunately, this entire situation was very real. No one yelled “cut” at the end of the scene because this was happening. I never in my wildest dreams did I think this would happen to me, and didn’t expect it in such a populated area in the middle of a beautiful, sunny day.

I kept thinking about my son. What if he was in the truck with me at the time? What the heck would I have done? Thankfully I was alone, but it still happened, and it taught me some very good lessons and opened up my eyes to a few things that need to change in my daily travels.

A man inside his vehicle takes careful aim with a Springfield Armory Echelon pistol, pointing through the windshield at an advancing carjacker. The windshield remains intact but shows signs of dirt and glare, emphasizing the confined and challenging conditions of aiming through glass. Outside the vehicle, the carjacker is partially visible, dressed in dark clothing, and moving aggressively toward the truck. The driver maintains a composed demeanor, demonstrating focused training and control in a life-threatening scenario. The truck's interior is minimal but functional, showcasing the practical setting of the encounter. The scene captures the tension and high stakes of defending oneself while confined in a vehicle. It highlights the importance of tactical training for real-world self-defense situations.
In this image, the potential victim takes aim through the windshield, ready to defend against an advancing threat.

I have been a firearms instructor and huge advocate of personal protection for nearly 20 years now. I train regularly at the range as well as train others and teach personal awareness and security with my company, Pew Pew Nation. I believe this training kept me calm and collected during this attempted carjacking, but I still was able to identify a few areas where I could improve my training.

If I had been forced to shoot, loud would it have been inside a car? Am I prepared to fight when I have two blown-out ear drums and can’t hear? I realized, during all my training, I have never fired a pistol inside a vehicle, especially with no hearing protection. I am currently looking for training facilities that offer training around fighting from inside a vehicle to better prepare myself for next time.

A Springfield Armory Echelon pistol sits securely in a custom holster mounted inside a truck, positioned for easy access. The holster is attached to the side of the center console, ensuring the firearm is both secure and readily available. The pistol's ergonomic design and sleek black finish are visible, reflecting its modern appeal and reliability. The truck's interior shows a clean, organized layout, emphasizing the practical setup for self-defense readiness. The scene is brightly lit, illustrating how a well-placed holster can help maintain situational awareness during emergencies. This configuration highlights the importance of responsible firearm storage within a vehicle. It demonstrates the balance between safety, accessibility, and preparedness.
The Springfield Armory Echelon is shown here, resting securely in a holster mounted inside a vehicle.

I teach situational awareness all the time in my classes, but this event really put its importance into perspective for me. I personally always walk around very aware; some people even say I am a bit “paranoid” at times. Clearly, that paranoia paid off because I knew something was going on before it started.

With that being said, I made a big mistake while thinking I was doing the right thing. Pulling up behind the Toyota instead of picking another lane was not the best choice. I could have gotten in that far right lane with just a curb next to me. My truck is more than capable of jumping a curb and taking off through the grass to get out of the situation, but because I chose the lane behind the potential threat, I ended up getting boxed in and stuck in a bad spot.

A man, armed with a Springfield Armory XDM pistol, struggles with a carjacker in an intense, close-quarters encounter. The carjacker, dressed in dark clothing, appears aggressive, attempting to overpower the defender near the open driver's side door. The man maintains control of his firearm, demonstrating focus and determination in the life-threatening confrontation. The scene is set in an urban environment, with the truck and surrounding vehicles adding context to the chaotic situation. The tension is palpable, showcasing the critical role of training and situational awareness in self-defense scenarios. The Springfield Armory XDM is clearly visible, emphasizing its reliability as a defensive tool. This image highlights the unpredictability of such encounters and the need for preparedness.
The intensity of a life-threatening confrontation is captured as a man employs his Springfield Armory XD-M pistol to defend himself.

Another thing that I found out is that adrenaline sucks. I called the police to report the attack, but the problem was my adrenaline seemed to erase my memory. I was pretty sure it was a gold-colored Toyota Camry, but I wasn’t 100% sure (even though I studied the car the entire time I was driving behind it). I also completely forgot the license plate number after also studying it at the light before. I could not come up with one number on their license plate. Afterward, I immediately invested in a good dash camera. The dash camera would have provided all the information and footage needed to find these guys.

It took me a few days to really process what happened and why I was so rattled by this situation. I hope the lessons I learned during this event can others avoid this type of situation. Thank goodness I had the means to defend myself.

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