By definition, you can’t make an informed decision without information. Accurate information is vital when it comes to disaster mitigation and response. Acting blindly could put you and your family at risk. This is a rare instance where social media can actually be helpful.
For the purposes of our discussion, I’m focusing on Facebook, but there are other apps/sites that could serve similar purposes.
Before we go any further, let’s get this out of the way. Yes, there are absolutely going to be situations where you’ll be unable to access social media. But not every crisis or disaster is going to be a grid down scenario. Make use of the tools available to you at the time. If you’re able to get on Facebook, here are some ways it could be useful to you.
Obtain Local Information

Social media can be a great way to get boots-on-the-ground intelligence. In many areas, people have established what are colloquially called scanner pages. Here’s how they work. One or more people spend time every day listening to radio traffic via a scanner. They post to the page dispatch calls for police, fire, and rescue. This information could help you put together a picture of what’s actually happening around you.
Where this really shines is when people will comment on the posted calls, sharing first-person accounts of what’s happening. For example, if there’s a bad storm front moving through the area, people might post about the intensity of the rainfall/snowfall, the road conditions, and such. You can use this information to determine how you want to proceed in your own situation.
Seek or Render Assistance
In the wake of a disaster, many people need help with everything from rescues to supply drops. Social media can be one way for these people to communicate their needs and arrange for assistance. By the same token, if you’re in a good position to do so, you can monitor social media and watch for people you can help.
Perhaps someone in the neighborhood is in dire need of diapers for their baby, and you happen to have half a box left from when your grandchild spent the weekend. If the shoe is on the other foot and you’re the one in need, you can use social media to reach out and hopefully connect with a person or agency that can help.

Communicate with Family and Friends
Quite often, cell phone traffic overwhelms cell service providers after a disaster hits. That stands to reason, given how many people are trying to get through to others. Calls get dropped or don’t go through at all. Texting is often better, but even that isn’t guaranteed.
If you’re able to get online, you can use social media to connect with family or friends. This could be through posts, such as just a blanket, “We’re okay.” Alternately, you could use the messaging feature and reach out to people individually.
Social media isn’t as “social” as it could be, but it can still be a valuable tool in some situations.
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