Action Needed to Expand 2A Rights Nationwide

Colion Noir
3 Min Read

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to enact national carry reciprocity!

The GOA-backed Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 38) has been introduced in the House of Representatives…

…But there are still far too many House members who have NOT added their names to cosponsor it.

That’s why GOA is recruiting our network of millions of members like YOU to pressure Congress all at once and tell them to cosponsor this critical legislation that will protect and restore gun rights nationwide.

President Trump has already promised to sign a concealed carry reciprocity bill if it lands on his desk. Let’s act now so that it hits the Resolute Desk as soon as possible.

Pictured: GOA Senior Vice President Erich Pratt with Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC), sponsor of H.R. 38

Please add your name to our pre-written letter urging YOUR Representative to cosponsor the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act.

Note: In the event that your Representative has already cosponsored the bill, you will have the chance to sign a letter thanking them as well as urging them to take next steps to get it on the President’s desk ASAP.

The Supreme Court’s Bruen decision reaffirmed the plain text of the Second Amendment and said that everyone has a right to carry for self-defense. Period.

But countless anti-gun states across America have chosen to defy the Bruen decision by restricting your right to conceal carry.

That means, if you travel from a state where your Second Amendment rights are protected and bring your lawful firearm to an anti-gun state, you could be deemed a criminal simply for exercising your constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms.

The solution is simple: Any concealed carry permit issued in one state MUST be recognized by every other state in the nation.

Just as driver’s licenses are recognized nationwide, so too should your license to carry a firearm – especially since the Constitution explicitly protects gun rights, and doesn’t say a peep about driving a car!

Also, this GOA-backed nationwide carry law protects Constitutional Carry. If you’re a resident of a Constitutional Carry state, then you can continue to carry without a permit nationwide.

With the President-Elect promising to sign a national reciprocity bill into law, we cannot miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to deliver a massive victory for gun rights nationwide.

Please add your name to our pre-written letter urging YOUR Representative to cosponsor the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act.

Read the full article here

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